Becoming a Catholic – A Journey in Faith
Are you a Seeker, desiring to know about our faith and possibly joining our Catholic church?

We welcome you! The Infant of Prague’s community invites you to join us with your questions as we explore the Catholic faith through the RCIA process.
What does RCIA mean?

RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

At Infant of Prague, the RCIA process is a guided journey to prepare for sacramental initiation and entry into the Catholic Church. The journey is also one of individualized prayer, reflection and learning that allows for the continual discernment of God’s plan in our lives.

Candidates, those already baptized, and catechumens, those who have not been baptized, both participate in this learning, loving process of conversion.

Sponsors, the RCIA team, and the entire parish community are involved in walking with and supporting the RCIA candidate along their faith journey. Through the RCIA process everyone is renewed in faith.

What Topics are covered?
The Formation includes several areas:
• Scripture: the stories of God’s people
• Teaching: what Catholics believe
• Prayer: how we communicate with God
• Liturgy: how the community worships
• Mission: how we live out what we believe

Who belongs in RCIA?
This process is for anyone who:
• Desires to know more about the Catholic Church
• Is unbaptized and wants to become a Catholic Christian through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
• Is a baptized Christian (in another faith tradition or Catholic) who desires full sacramental membership in the Catholic Church through Confirmation and Eucharist.
• Attends the Catholic Church and is questioning if the Catholic Church is for you.
• Was baptized Catholic but left or has had little or no contact with the Church.
• Was baptized Catholic but has never celebrated Eucharistic and / or Confirmation.

Who is involved in the process?
Actually, the whole parish is involved in the RCIA process. Besides those seeking initiation into the Church, there are parish sponsors and a team of parishioners who walk the spiritual journey with the candidates.

Throughout the process there are rites that are celebrated within the Sunday liturgies. At the Sunday liturgies the parish assembly welcomes and supports the candidates in prayer.

Who are the sponsors?
Sponsors are persons from the parish who serve as companions, mentors, and guides throughout the RCIA process.

Sponsors do not need to be “answer people” who are experts in the knowledge about their faith. Sponsors receive information and support for their ministry. Sponsors desire to grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with God.

How long does it take to become a full member of the Catholic Church?
It depends on the person. We respect each person, their journey and allow for discernment along the way. Commitment is made in stages and a final commitment is not made until a determined time during the liturgical year. Generally, unbaptized persons are received into the Church at the Easter Vigil.

What if I’m not sure. Am I committed to becoming a Catholic from the start?
No. RCIA is a journey. The RCIA team members and parish sponsors are available to help the interested adult discern if this is the best path for them at this time.

Questions about the RCIA program?
Please contact: 716-634-3660