
Parish Ministries

Infant of Prague has many opportunities for our congregation to become more engaged in our community. We invite parishioners to call the Parish Office at 716-634-3660 for more information on our IOP Ministries.

Liturgical Ministries:

Altar Servers

Boys and girls in grade 5 or higher are invited to serve at the altar during Mass and other liturgical services. *

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Offered at the 10:30am Mass, children are called to take part in the Children’s Liturgy ~ a special opportunity to take part, share and understand God’s Word on their own level. *

Eucharistic Ministers

Ministers assist with the distribution of the body and blood of Christ at mass. Ministers also distribute Eucharist to the sick and homebound members of the parish community. Training is provided.

Lazarus Servers

Adult altar servers assist the priest during funeral liturgies. This ministry is open to all men and women able to serve in this capacity. Training is provided.


Lectors proclaim the word of God at all liturgical celebrations. Lectors generally meet four times a year on Saturday mornings. Training is provided.

Liturgy of The Word

Join us if you are interested in reflecting on upcoming Liturgies while preparing and recommending intercessory petitions for the Church, global issues, individuals, and our community. This group generally meets once a month.


Ushers serve at all liturgical celebrations providing hospitality, collecting offerings, distributing bulletins and ministering to the needs of the assembled. All men and women in the parish are invited to serve as ushers.

Musical Ministers

Infant of Prague has a vibrant and diverse music ministry open to all members of the parish community. *

Spiritual Formation Ministries:

Altar and Rosary Society

This group cares for the Altar and Sanctuary within the Church, maintaining these sacred spaces of worship. This group generally meets monthly.

Bereavement Committee

This committee minister to the needs of parish families and those in the community who have lost a loved one. Support is provided from the time of death through the first year of the grief journey.

Bible Study Groups

This group discusses the scriptures and reflects on how we can incorporate their meaning into our daily life.

Environment Committee

This group prepares and decorates the inside of our Church and Chapel for holidays, the changing seasons, and special liturgies.

Eucharistic Adoration Society

Eucharistic Adoration takes place on the 1st Friday of every month. Representatives of the parish are present before the Blessed Sacrament beginning with the Celebration of the Eucharist at 8:30am Mass and concluding with benediction at 6:00pm.

Legion of Mary

Active members of the Legion of Mary serve the community in various capacities.  Auxiliary members pray the rosary and Legion prays daily. Meetings are generally held Saturday mornings. All men and women in the parish are invited to join.

Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana)

Pre-Cana is a special program to assist engaged couples who wish to enter into the Sacrament of Marriage. Please call the parish office to register.

Marion Movement of Priests

Come join us in praying the Rosary and reflecting upon a message from Our Lady to Father Sefano Gobbi regarding these challenging times. This group generally meets every other week. All are welcome to the call of Our Lady.

Service and Outreach Ministries:

Friends of Night People

On the 2nd Sunday of each month a dedicated group of volunteers serves the evening meal in the Friends of Night People soup kitchen on the West Side of Buffalo. The volunteers assist in serving the meal as well as cleaning the dining kitchen and serving areas.

Ladies of Charity

Members give their time and talents to serve through charitable works and prayer. Ladies of Charity is open to all women who embrace the ideas of Saints Vincent DePaul and Louise de Marillac. This group generally meets monthly.

Lord’s Housekeepers

This dedicated group of parishioners volunteers their time to do periodic dusting to the pews of our Church. *

Respect life

Committed to promoting the sacredness of all human life, this group engages in educational and prayerful activities to help everyone understand, value, and support the dignity and gift of every person’s life.

Society of Saint Vincent DePaul

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul serves our local community by recognizing its needs, both material and spiritual, and providing assistance in a respectful manner. This group generally meets monthly. 

Fellowship Ministries:

Feel the Spirit 5K Race Committee

Each spring IOP hosts a 5K race that begins and ends on the church grounds. This committee aids in planning and hosting this premier event.

Hospitality Committee

This committee works with the Parish Council to host monthly after Mass get togethers, offering companionship and light refreshments to our IOP parishioners. *

Lawn Fete Committee

This committee coordinates all Lawn Fete activities and volunteers for this yearly premier event.

Parish Life Committee

This group fosters Parish Community by supporting IOP recurring social and recreational events held throughout the year. This group generally meets monthly.

Special Events Committee

This committee assembles as needed and works closely with the Pastor to coordinate and manage events dedicated to a particular theme.

Sports Nights

Men’s and Women’s sports night are hosted in Henesey Hall. All men who are 21 years of age or older and a parisioner of Infant of Prague are invited to register for these fun filled evenings of basketball. Our group generally meets on Wednesdays. A one time registration is required, however weekly participation is optional.

Pastoral Administration:

Building and Maintenance Committee

This group focus is on the Church and grounds, ensuring the safety and quality of all Infant of Prague properties. This committee works closely with the parish maintenance staff.

Parish Council

Council members are nominated and elected by the church community each fall. The council shares in the leadership of the parish and advises the pastor on aspects of the parish community. 

Finance Committee

Appointed by the Pastor, members of this committee assists the Pastor in understanding and managing the financial needs of the Infant of Prague parish community. This includes developing annual budgets, monitoring expenses, reviewing committee projects and preparing an annual financial statement for all parishioners.

Offertory Collection Counters

Appointed by the pastor, teams of parishioners serve the IOP community by counting and properly handling offertory collections from each weekend Mass.